
  1. Cvars
    1. Renderer
      1. r_explosiontype
      2. r_explosionlight
      3. r_rocketlight
      4. r_rockettrail
      5. r_grenadetrail
      6. r_powerupglow
      7. r_coloredpowerupglow
      8. r_fullbrightskins
      9. r_explosionlightcolor
      10. r_rocketlightcolor
      11. r_skybox
      12. r_ringalpha
      13. r_skyfog
      14. r_skyfog_default
      15. r_noshadow_list
      16. r_oldwater
      17. r_litwater
      18. r_waterquality
      19. r_waterwarp
      20. r_particles
      21. r_outline
      22. r_outline_players
      23. r_outline_monsters
      24. r_outline_color
      25. r_ambient
    2. Client
      1. cl_r2g
      2. cl_truelightning
      3. cl_bobbing
      4. cl_deadbodyfilter
      5. cl_gibfilter
      6. cl_sbar
      7. cl_sbar_offset
      8. cl_demorewind
      9. mapname
      10. cl_bonusflash
      11. cl_muzzleflash
      12. cl_demospeed
      13. cl_autodemo
      14. cl_autodemo_format
      15. cl_maxfps
      16. cl_advancedcompletion
      17. cvar_savevars
      18. cl_confirmquit
      19. cl_lag
      20. cl_keypad
      21. cl_chatmode
      22. cl_newbob
      23. cl_gun_fovscale
      24. cl_minpitch
      25. cl_maxpitch
      26. cl_demoui
      27. cl_demouitimeout
      28. cl_demouihidespeed
      29. cl_independentphysics
      30. freefly_speed
      31. orbit_speed
      32. freefly_show_pos
      33. freefly_show_pos_x
      34. freefly_show_pos_y
      35. freefly_show_pos_dp
      36. cl_bbox
      37. cl_bboxcolors
    3. Server
      1. sv_altnoclip
      2. sv_override_spawnparams
      3. sv_noclipspeed
      4. sv_novis
    4. Network
      1. net_connectsearch
      2. net_getdomainname
    5. Video
      1. vid_hwgammacontrol
      2. vid_vsync
      3. vid_displayfrequency
    6. OpenGL
      1. gamma (or gl_gamma)
      2. contrast (or gl_contrast)
      3. gl_fb_bmodels
      4. gl_fb_models
      5. gl_overbright
      6. gl_overbright_models
      7. gl_interpolate_animation
      8. gl_interpolate_movement
      9. gl_interpolate_distance
      10. gl_externaltextures_world
      11. gl_externaltextures_bmodels
      12. gl_externaltextures_models
      13. gl_consolefont
      14. gl_smoothfont
      15. gl_loadlitfiles
      16. gl_vertexlights
      17. gl_waterfog
      18. gl_waterfog_density
      19. gl_caustics
      20. gl_detail
      21. gl_solidparticles
      22. gl_part_explosions
      23. gl_part_trails
      24. gl_part_spikes
      25. gl_part_gunshots
      26. gl_part_blood
      27. gl_part_telesplash
      28. gl_part_blobs
      29. gl_part_lavasplash
      30. gl_part_flames
      31. gl_part_damagesplash
      32. gl_part_muzzleflash
      33. gl_bounceparticles
      34. gl_decal_blood
      35. gl_decal_bullets
      36. gl_decal_sparks
      37. gl_decal_explosions
      38. gl_decal_viewdistance
      39. gl_decaltime
      40. gl_loadq3models
      41. gl_lerptextures
      42. gl_externaltextures_gfx
      43. gl_texturemode_hud
      44. gl_texturemode_sky
      45. gl_texture_anisotropy
      46. gl_zfix
      47. fog_custom
      48. fog_override
    7. Screen
      1. scr_centermenu
      2. scr_centersbar
      3. scr_widescreen_fov
      4. scr_sbarscale_amount
      5. scr_scorebarmode
      6. scr_consize
      7. scr_cursor_sensitivity
      8. scr_cursor_scale
      9. scr_cursor_alpha
      10. scr_sshot_format
      11. png_compression_level
      12. jpeg_compression_level
      13. scr_precisetime
      14. zoom_fov
      15. zoom_speed
    8. Console
      1. gl_conalpha
      2. con_notify_intermission
      3. con_logcenterprint
    9. View
      1. v_gunkick
      2. v_contentblend
      3. v_damagecshift
      4. v_quadcshift
      5. v_pentcsift
      6. v_ringcshift
      7. v_suitcshift
    10. Hud
      1. crosshairsize
      2. crosshaircolor
      3. crosshairalpha
      4. crosshairimage
      5. show_stats
      6. show_stats_length
      7. show_stats_small
      8. show_speed
      9. show_speed_x
      10. show_speed_y
      11. show_speed_alpha
      12. show_fps
      13. show_fps_x
      14. show_fps_y
      15. show_movekeys
      16. cl_clock
      17. cl_clock_x
      18. cl_clock_y
    11. Mouse
      1. m_rate
      2. m_showrate
      3. freelook
    12. AVI Capture
      1. capture_codec
      2. capture_fps
      3. capture_console
      4. capture_dir
      5. capture_mp3
      6. capture_mp3_kbps
      7. capture_avi_split
  2. Commands
    1. All
      1. cmdlist
      2. cvarlist
      3. find
      4. apropos
      5. gamedir <path>
      6. dir <wildcard>
      7. demdir <wildcard>
      8. menu_maps
      9. menu_demos
      10. menu_mods
      11. menu_mouse
      12. menu_hud
      13. menu_sound
      14. menu_view
      15. menu_renderer
      16. menu_textures
      17. menu_particles
      18. menu_decals
      19. menu_weapons
      20. menu_screenflahes
      21. menu_miscellaneous
      22. menu_crosshair_colorchooser
      23. menu_sky_colorchooser
      24. menu_namemaker
      25. writeconfig <filename>
      26. printtxt <filename>
      27. getcoords <filename>
      28. volumeup
      29. volumedown
      30. iplog
      31. ipmerge
      32. identify
      33. loadsky <filename>
      34. loadcharset <filename>
      35. capture_start <filename>
      36. capture_stop
      37. capturedemo <filename>
      38. keepdemo
      39. demoskip
      40. demoseek
      41. toggleparticles
      42. toggledecals
      43. fog
      44. fog_set
      45. printspawnparams [clientnum]
      46. setspawnparam <paramnum> <value> [clientnum]
      47. writenextspawnparams [clientnum] [filename]
      48. sv_protocol
      49. freefly
      50. orbit
      51. democam_mode
      52. +freeflymlook / -freeflymlook
      53. freefly_copycam
      54. freefly_writecam [filename]
      55. togglezoom
      56. +zoom
      57. -zoom




Sets various types of explosions:
0 - normal
1 - just sprite
2 - just particles
3 - slight blood
Its value is 0 by default.


Turns explosion’s light on/off, 1 by default.


Turns flying rocket’s light on/off, 1 by default.


Sets flying rocket’s trail:
0 - no trail
1 - default trail
2 - grenade trail

  • when using gl_part_trails 1: same as above, plus there’s a new state: 3 - darkplaces trail.
  • when using gl_part_trails 2: there’re no different trails, just a Quake 3 style one.

Value is 1 by default.


Sets flying grenade’s trail:
0 - no trail
1 - default trail
2 - rocket trail

  • when using gl_part_trails 1: same as above, plus there’s a new state: 3 - darkplaces trail
  • when using gl_part_trails 2: there’re no different trails, just a Quake 3 style one

Value is 1 by default.


Turns powerup glow around player’s body on/off, 1 by default.


Turns forced coloration of powerup glow for quad and pentagram on/off, 1 by default.


Makes player(s)’s skins fullbright, 0 by default.


Sets the color of explosions glows:
0 - default
1 - blue
2 - red
3 - purple
4 - random
Only works if r_explosionlight is on.


Sets the color of flying rockets glows. Only works if r_rocketlight is on. Values: same as for r_explosionlightcolor.


Sets a custom skybox, "" by default (no skybox). See more info about this at the loadsky command.


Sets the transparency of your weapon model when you’re invisible. Default value is 0.4.


Applies fog on the sky, valid values are from 0.0 to 1.0. Used implicitly by newer maps. It is only used if fog is also applied by using the fog command. Default value is 0.5.


Same as r_skyfog, but is used to initialize the fog amount at the start of a map only. Once r_skyfog is changed, it overrides this value. This is a workaround for when mods do not reset r_skyfog at the start of a map, causing whatever value from the end of the previous map to be used instead, which may not be intended. Default value is 0.5.


Ignores drawing shadow for mdl files added to this list. Default value is "" (empty list).


Since version 0.17.4 water surfaces are drawn via the frame buffer. Switching this setting on reverts to the original water surface rendering method. 0 by default.


When switched on, water surfaces are lit on compatible maps. 1 by default.


Specifies the quality (tesselation level) of the water surfaces’ warping animation. Can be between 3 and 64. 8 by default.


When switched on, puts a warp effect on the screen while underwater. 0 by default.


Toggles drawing of classic particles:
0 - No particles drawn
1 - Circle shaped particles
2 - Square shaped particles
Default value is 1.


Draws cartoon style outlines around dynamic models (monsters, rotating items, etc).
0 - No outlines drawn
1 - 3 - Outlines drawn with the set value as thickness Default value is 0.


Draws outlines around players through walls. This feature is only enabled single player and cooperative mode. 0 - No outlines drawn
1 - 3 - Outlines drawn with the set value as thickness Default value is 0.


Draws outlines around monsters through walls. This feature is disabled while demo recording. 0 - No outlines drawn
1 - 3 - Outlines drawn with the set value as thickness Default value is 0.


Sets the color of outlines using RGB format, 0 0 0 (white) by default.


Overrides the ambient light level on any map. Allowed values are positive integer numbers which set the amount the light level to be increased with. Default value is 0.



Replaces the rocket model with grenade, 0 by default. (popular in deathmatch)


Makes the lightning gun’s bolt more precise, 0 by default. Can be 0.0 (off) - 1.0 (most precise).


Turns Quake3-style bobbing on, 0 by default.


Removes dead bodies (both for players and monsters).
When using with value 1, the dead body is to be removed in the last animation frame.
When using with value 2, it is removed immediately when the monster/player dies.
Its value is 0 (off) by default.


Removes gibs if turned on, 0 (off) by default.


Toggles between transparent (0), old/original (1) and alternative (2) huds, 0 by default.


Lifts the position of hud icons from the bottom with the specified offset. Valid range is from 0 (no offset) to 8 (max offset). Only applied to hud styles 0 and 2.
Default value is 0.


Toggles between normal and backward demoplaying, 0 by default. Only works when playing a demo.


Contains actual map’s name, for built-in use.


Turns pickup flashes on/off, 1 by default.


Turns muzzle flashes (flashes when firing) on/off, 1 by default.


Changes the playback speed of a demo, 1 by default. Values < 1 mean slow motion, while > 1 result fast forward.


Enables automatic demo recording. When switched on, a demo file named current.dem is recorded at every level start. When the run is completed, the keepdemo command is recommended to be used, which renames current.dem according to cl_autodemo_format.
Its value is 0 by default.


Defines how the automatically recorded demo (current.dem) to be renamed when the keepdemo command is used.
The following placeholders are available:

  • #map#: name of the level, e.g. e1m1
  • #time#: finishing time as <minutes><seconds><milliseconds>
  • #skill#: skill level, e.g. 0 when playing on easy skill
  • #player#: player name

The default value is #map#_#time#_#skill#_#player#
For example, exiting e2m1 in 0:07.958 seconds on easy skill by player ‘joe’ will result the following demo name: e2m1_007958_0_joe.dem


Customizes the maximal fps, 72 by default.
If cl_independentphysics is switched OFF (default is ON), the value of this cvar is reverted back to 72 if you start recording a demo.


Toggles between advanced and normal (old) command/cvar completion. Its value is 1 by default.


Switch for the writeconfig command.
0 - it will save only archieved vars.
1 - it will save the ones which have other than default values.
2 - it will save ALL variables.
Its value is 0 by default.


Switch for confirmation when exiting, 0 means no confirmation required. Its value is 1 by default.


Sets the amount of synthetic lag, in milliseconds.
The maximal allowed value is 1000. Default value is 0.
You may also use ping +<value> to get the same effect.


Toggles between the using of keypad keys or not, 1 by default.


If turned on (1), everything that Quake can’t interpret (not command or cvar or alias) is sent as chat. Similar to QW clients, you don’t have to type say every time you wanna say something.
Default value is 1.


Toggles between old and new style weapon bobbing, 0 by default.


If turned on (1), the gun model is scaled according to the current FOV. Decimal values are also accepted for partial scaling.
Default value is 0.


Minimum value of pitch angle. Cannot be smaller than -90. Default value is -70.


Maximum value of pitch angle. Cannot be greater than 90. Default value is 80.


Switch for the demo player UI, 0 means the player is hidden. Default value is 1.


Time that you have to keep the mouse still and not hovering over the demo UI before the UI hiding animation starts.


Speed of the demo UI hiding animation which begins once the above timeout has elapsed.


Server and Client framerates are independent. This setting is turned on by default. To turn it off you need to start joequake with the following command line:

+set cl_independentphysics 0

Set the speed the camera moves when in freefly or orbit mode (respectively). 800 / 200 by default.


Show the freefly camera’s current origin. Position can be changed with the _x and _y coordinates. The number of decimal places can be changed with the _dp variable.


Enables bounding boxes for non-map entities. The bounding boxes are derived from information available to the client, therefore they work while playing a demo as well as when playing a live game. However, the bounding boxes have the following limitations:

  • If using non-id1 progs, bounding boxes may be missing or incorrect. This is unavoidable since bounding box information is not sent to the client or stored in the demo, and are defined in each mod’s QuakeC. It is therefore impossible, in general, for the client to know the bounding boxes.
  • Bounding box origins may be wrong by up to 0.125 game units owing to fixed precision in the coordinates sent to the client and stored in the demo.
  • Bounding boxes are not displayed when recording a demo.

The cvar takes the following values:

  • 0: Bounding boxes are never drawn.
  • 1: Bounding boxes are drawn during demo playback and when playing live, but not when recording.
  • 2: Bounding boxes are drawn only during demo playback.
  • 3: Bounding boxes are drawn only when playing live, but not when recording.

When set to 1 (the default), cl_bbox bounding boxes are colored according to entity type:

  • Monsters are red.
  • Pickups are green.
  • Everything else is white.

When set to 0 bounding boxes are all drawn white.



Switches on alternative noclip movement where the player always moves towards the direction he’s looking at. 1 by default.


Allows to enable or disable overriding the spawn parameters on every spawn of a player. The overriding values can be set using the command setspawnparam <paramnum> <value> [0]. This allows to set starting stats for when starting levels with the map or record commands, e.g. for singleplayer segmented runs.


Dedicated max speed value used only while noclip. Its value is 320 by default.


When set to 1, entities are not PVS culled before being sent to the client. In practice this means that all enemies are visible when r_outline_monsters is used, and that all monsters are recorded in demos. The latter is useful for being able to see entities that the player can’t see in recams or when using the freefly feature.

This naturally inflates demo size, so be careful using it with entity heavy maps.



Allows to enable or disable the search for hosts on use of the connect command. It allows connecting by the server’s hostname instead of by IP address. However, the search takes a significant amount of time. So disabling it can greatly speedup the time it takes to connect to a server by IP address. 1 by default. Set to 0 to try to speedup connecting by IP address.


Allows to enable or disable trying to find domain names for IP addresses using DNS lookups. These can find domain names like from its IP address. However, on Windows this lookup seems to take a long time. Disabling it can therefore speed up connecting to a server significantly. As there will barely be any usecase for the domain names, it is 0 by default. Set to 1 to restore the original Quake behaviour with the lookups enabled.



Turns gamma changing possibility on/off, 1 by default. With using a value of 2, it applies gamma for windowed modes as well.


Turns vertical synchronization on/off, 0 by default.


If not equals to 0, overrides the monitor’s refresh rate to the given value. 0 by default.


gamma (or gl_gamma)
contrast (or gl_contrast)

One of the most important features. These are for your viewing pleasure :)


Turn fullbright polys on brush models on/off, 1 by default.


Turn fullbright polys on alias models on/off, 1 by default.


Sets lighting overbright on map surfaces, 1 by default.


Sets lighting overbright on models, 1 by default.


Sets lerped model animation:
0 - Animations are not lerped (original “software” Quake behavior)
1 - Animations are lerped except weapon muzzleflash animations
2 - Animations are lerped including weapon muzzleflash animations
Default value is 1.


Switches on lerped model movement, default value is 1 (on).


Sets the maximum distance between vertexes where animation lerping takes place. This variable was implemented exclusively for gl_interpolate_animation, when used with the value 2.
It is rather a technical thing, it serves fine-tuning of muzzleflash animations. If you’re not entirely familiar of this feature I recommend not adjusting it. Its default value is 135. It cannot be set higher than 300.


Load external textures when set to 1.
Textures for _world should be placed inside textures/ or textures/<mapname> folder.
Textures for _bmodels should be placed inside textures/bmodels folder.
Textures for _models should be placed inside textures/models folder.
Both are 1 by default.


Specifies an external console charset. Console charsets should be placed inside textures/charsets dir.


Gets fonts look smoother, 1 by default.


Loads static colored lights containing files (.lit) if 1.


Turns vertex lighting on alias models on/off, 0 by default.


Adds fog inside (not just water, but) all kinds of liquids, 1 by default.
Possible values:
0 - off
2 - realistic
<other> - normal


For further customizing gl_waterfog, 1 by default. Can be 0.0 (low amount of fog) - 1.0 (high amount of fog).


Turns caustic underwater polygons on/off, 0 by default.


Turns detailed textures on/off, 0 by default. Requires hi-end systems.


If set to “1” classic particles are to be drawn with Z-buffer bits. On some video cards this helps to keep the fps high. 0 by default.


Sets type of explosions:
0 - Classic
1 - QMB
2 - Quake 3
0 by default.


Sets type of particle trails:
0 - Classic
1 - QMB
2 - Quake 3
0 by default.


Sets type of particle spikes:
0 - Classic
1 - QMB
2 - Quake 3
0 by default.


Sets type of particle gunshots:
0 - Classic
1 - QMB
2 - Quake 3
0 by default.


Sets type of blood:
0 - Classic
1 - QMB
2 - Quake 3
0 by default.


Sets type of teleport splashes:
0 - Classic
1 - QMB
2 - Quake 3
3 - Super secret Quake Live style :)
0 by default.


Sets type of spawn explosions:
0 - Classic
1 - QMB
0 by default.


Sets type of lava splash:
0 - Classic
1 - QMB
0 by default.


Sets type of torch flames:
0 - Classic
1 - QMB
0 by default.


Turns Quake 3 style on-screen damage splash on/off, 0 by default.


Hides muzzleflash model objects from weapons when fired. Instead it replaces the muzzle flashes with particle effects. 0 by default.


Turns bouncing chunks on/off, 1 by default. Only works for QMB particles.


Turns blood stain decal patches on/off, 0 by default.


Turns bullet mark decal patches on/off, 0 by default.


Turns nail spark decal patches on/off, 0 by default.


Turns explosion stain decal patches on/off, 0 by default.


Sets distance how far decal patches are visible from. Default value is 2048.


Sets the time (in seconds) how long decal patches remain visible. Default value is 30.


Loads quake3 models (.md3) if value is 1. By default, it’s 0.

  • mdl replacement files must go to /progs folder
  • bsp replacement files must go to /maps folder
  • ALL Quake 3 texture files must go to /textures/q3models folder

Read a complete description about Quake 3 models support here.


Smooth out textures on alias models if turned on. 1 by default.


Load external textures for menu and hud/status bar. 1 by default.


Set texture filtering mode for HUD elements, for example health display, menu images and so on. Valid modes: GL_LINEAR and GL_NEAREST, GL_LINEAR by default.


Set texture filtering mode for sky textures. Valid modes: GL_LINEAR and GL_NEAREST, GL_LINEAR by default.


Sets the level of anisotropic texture filtering. A valid value should be a power of two: 2 4 8 16 (depending on your hardware’s limits). If you don’t wanna use anisotropic filtering, set the value to 1.


Tries to prevent overlapping textures (z-fighting fix). 0 by default.


Can store custom fog parameters which are only applied if the fog_override variable is set to 1.
The values must be specified the following way: <density> <red> <green> <blue>

  • <density> defines the thickness of the fog.
  • <red> <green> <blue> values define the color of the fog.

Default value is 0 0 0 0, which means:
0 density (invisible)
RGB: 0 0 0 (black color)


Overrides the default fog parameters with the ones defined by the fog_custom variable. 0 by default.



Makes the menu centered, 1 by default.


Makes the status bar (hud) centered, 0 by default.


When turned on, fov (field of view) is properly calculated in widescreen (16:9 or 16:10) resolutions also, 1 by default.


Scales (multiplies) the size of console font and status bar icons with the specified number, 2 by default.


Toggles between vanilla (0) and QuakeSpasm (1) style scorebar layouts, 0 by default.


Adjust the console’s size, 0.5 (half size) by default. Can be 0.0 (nothing visible) - 1.0 (fully visble).

NOTE: when the console is pulled down, you can also adjust the size with using the Ctrl+UP and Ctrl+DOWN keys.


Sets the speed of the mouse cursor, 1 by default.


Sets the size of the mouse cursor, 1 by default.


Sets the transparency of the mouse cursor, 1 by default. Possible values are between 0.0 (fully transparent) and 1.0 (fully opaque).


Sets the type of screenshot image, jpg by default. Can be tga, png or [jpeg|jpg].


Sets the compression level of png screenshots.
The value can be between 0 - 9, where 0 means no compression and 9 means maximum compression.
Default value is 1.


Sets the quality level of jpg screenshots.
The value can be between 0 - 100, where 0 means worst quality (maximum compression) and 100 means best quality (least compression).
Default value is 90.


Show two decimal places of precision on the intermission screen time, 0 by default.


Sets the FOV when zoomed in, 30 by default.


Sets the speed of the zoom animation, 8 by default.



Sets the transparency of the console, 0.8 by default. Can be 0.0 (totally transparent) - 1.0 (not transparent).


Console notify messages are shown on the intermission screen, 0 by default.


Centerprinted messages are shown in the console, 0 by default.



Turns weapon’s jarring every time when firing on/off, 0 by default. Using with value 1 the weapon kicks the original (old) way, while using with value 2 the kick is much smoother.


Adjusts liquid blends between 0.0 - 1.0.
1 by default.


Adjusts damage flashes between 0.0 - 1.0.
1 by default.


Adjusts quad damage’s blend between 0.0 - 1.0.
1 by default.


Adjusts pentagram’s blend between 0.0 - 1.0.
1 by default.


Adjusts invisibilty’s blend between 0.0 - 1.0.
1 by default.


Adjusts environment suit’s blend between 0.0 - 1.0.
1 by default.



Sets the size of the crosshair, 1.0 by default.


Sets the color of the crosshair, 79 (red) by default.


Sets the transparency of your crosshair. Default value is 1.0.


Sets an image as crosshair, "" (none) by default. Crosshair images go to crosshairs subdirectory.


Print actual statistics (time, secrets, kills) to the upper right corner of the screen, 1 by default.

Possible values:
0 - off
1 - only time
2 - time + kills + secrets
3 - only time, but only on if some reasonable event happens
4 - time + kills + secrets, but only on if some reasonable event happens


If show_stats is set to 2, the printing takes as long as it’s set in this cvar, 0.5 by default. The value represents seconds.


Replaces HUD numbers with console characters when showing show_stats’s statistics. 0 by deafult.


Prints the player’s speed in units. Position can be changed with the _x and _y coordinates. Transparency of the speed bar can be changed with the _alpha value.


Prints the framerate in frames per second. Position can be changed with the _x and _y coordinates.


Displays movement key indicators around the crosshair. 0 by deafult.


Shows clock in the lower left corner. Position can be changed with the _x and _y coordinates. There are 4 predefined clock formats. 0 by default.



Sets mouse rate. Only works when the game is started with -dinput and -m_smooth.


Shows current mouse rate. Useful to set m_rate. Only works when the game is started with -dinput -m_smooth.


Mouse look is enabled when it’s turned on. Default value is 1. It does the same effect like switching -mlook/+mlook.

AVI Capture


Contains the fourcc code of video codec’s, 0 by default (no compression). For example divx or xvid, etc.


Sets on how many frames/sec you wish the video to be captured. 30.0 by default.


If set to 1, the console is also captured, otherwise not. 1 by default.


Sets the directory where avis to be saved during capturing. capture by default.


Turns mp3 audio compression on/off, 0 by default.


Sets mp3 compression’s bitrate, 128 by default. Only works if capture_mp3 is 1 (trivial).


Set this to the number of megabytes at which to split captured video into more than one AVI file. The used video capture module has a problem with files getting corrupted when reaching a size of over 2 gigabytes, so splitting them into smaller files is a good idea to avoid this corruption.
Default is 1900 megabytes.
Setting to 0 disables splitting.




Lists all console commands.


Lists all console variables.


Finds all relevant console commands and variables.

gamedir <path>

Changes the mod’s directory.
If you started Quake with e.g. -game ctf and during the game you wish to play with an other mod, you can change it dinamically, without quitting the game.
Relative pathnames like newdir/ctf are not allowed.

dir <wildcard>

Lists all files matching wildcard. Works the same way like other shells’ dir command.

demdir <wildcard>

The same as dir, except that this cmd is only for .dem files. So please omit the .dem extension from the wildcard.

These commands display the appropriate new main menus, as if you were opened them from the Main menu.

These commands display the appropriate options submenus, as if you were opened them from the Options menu.

These commands display the color chooser submenus, as if you were opened them from:

  • the Options / Hud options / Crosshair color menu
  • the Options / View options / Solid sky color menu

This command displays the name maker submenu, as if you were opened it from the Multiplayer / Setup / Name maker menu.

writeconfig <filename>

Writes a .cfg file with your actual game settings.

printtxt <filename>

Prints a text file into the console. You can now read SDA demos’ txt files without quitting the game :)

getcoords <filename>

Writes the player’s origin into the given file or to if there was no filename given.


volumeup increases the volume by 0.1.
volumedown decreases by the same value.
The maximum volume is 1.0, it won’t raise higher than that. You’ll see a graphical volume control bar at the top right corner of the screen for 2 seconds any time you change the volume using volumeup or volumedown.


These commands are exported from ProQuake. Please read the ProQuake documentation on using them.

loadsky <filename>

Loads a custom skybox.
As you know (or not) a skybox consists of 6 images (6 sides of a box). To set a skybox, you only have to add the common name of these six files, since they contain 2 characters of skybox extension at the end.
For example, you have a skybox called day, you have six images called dayrt, daybk, daylf, dayft, dayup, daydn. Then you only have to use loadsky day.
Skyboxes goes to /env directory. This command also sets r_skybox’s value. You can change skyboxes using this cvar as well.

loadcharset <filename>

Loads an external console charset. Console charsets should be placed inside textures/charsets dir.

capture_start <filename>

Starts capturing an .avi file.


Stops capturing.

capturedemo <filename>

Starts playing a demo and starts capturing it also with the same name.


When automatic demo recording is switched on (cl_autodemo is 1), using this command renames the temporary demo file to its final name, based on the cl_autodemo_format cvar.
This command is only valid on the intermission/finale screen!
See more details about cl_autodemo in the Cvars section.


When playing back a marathon demo, skips the amount of levels by the set value. Negative numbers are also valid.
For example: when playing back an episode 1 marathon (e1m1 - e1m7):

  • using skipdemo +2 on e1m2 will jump to e1m4
  • using skipdemo -3 on e1m6 will jump to e1m3

Seeks the amount of seconds by the set value during demo playback. Available usage modes (example values):

  • demoseek 12 will seek to the time 0:12
  • demoseek +3 will seek forward 3 seconds from the actual position
  • demoseek -5 will seek back 5 seconds from the actual position

Changes all gl_part_* cvar values between 0 (off), 1 (QMB) or 2(Quake3).
A pleasant way if you want to toggle between particle themes and wouldn’t like to set each variable one by one.


Changes all gl_decal_* cvar values between [0|1].


Applies fog to the map. Used implicitly by newer maps.
fog <density>
fog <red> <green> <blue>
fog <density> <red> <green> <blue>
<density> defines the thickness of the fog.
<red> <green> <blue> values define the color of the fog.


Saves the actual fog values (set at map start) to the fog_custom variable.

printspawnparams [clientnum]

Prints the spawn parameters of clients on the server. If clientnum is given, prints the spawn parameters for the client with that number. If it is not given, prints the spawn parameters for all active clients on the server.

setspawnparam <paramnum> <value> [clientnum]

Sets the spawn parameter with index paramnum to value. If clientnum is given, the spawn parameter of the client with that number is changed. If it is not given, the spawn parameter of the host is changed.

writenextspawnparams [clientnum] [filename]

Writes a config to store the spawn parameters as they would be if the current map is finished as is. Can be executed to start playing the next map with those stored spawn parameters.

If this client is not the server host, the spawn parameters of this client are written and assigned to the number clientnum (0 if not given). If this client is the server host, writes spawn parameters of the client with number clientnum. If clientnum is not given, writes the spawn parameters for all active clients on the server.

The name of the written config file can be given as filename. If not present, an automatic name based on current map and time is used.


Overrides the default 15 (NetQuake) protocol version with given value. Recognized values are 666 (FitzQuake) and 999 (RMQ). This command primarly aims to keep JoeQuake compatible with mods.


Toggle freefly / orbit mode. Freefly is a free flying third-person camera that can be used during demo playback. When enabled, the usual inputs will manipulate the camera’s position and angle (+moveleft, +moveright, +forward, +back, mouse movements, etc).

Orbit is a camera that is locked to have the player in the centre of the screen. When enabled +forward and +back will move the camera closer and further from the player, and mouse movements will change the angle.

In either mode, if the demo UI is enabled (cl_demoui 1) then click and drag with mouse2 to change the camera angle, or bind +freeflymlook (see below). If the demo UI is disabled (cl_demoui 0) then mouse movements will effect the camera angle without need for extra key or button presses.


Set the camera mode for demo playback. This is an alternative to using the freefly and orbit toggles:

  • 0: First person mode.
  • 1: Freefly mode. See the freefly command for details.
  • 2: Orbit mode. See the orbit command for details.
  • +1: Cycle forward through modes.
  • -1: Cycle backwards through modes.
+freeflymlook / -freeflymlook

When using freefly or orbit mode with the demo UI, this command makes mouse movements adjust the camera angle. Use this as an alternative to mouse2. You’ll typically want to bind this to a key, which should be held down to adjust the camera angle.


Copy a ReMaic-style command to the clipboard, indicating the freefly camera’s location, viewing direction, and current demo timestamp. The output must be manipulated a little to make a valid ReMaic script — the timestamp output as the third copied line must be used as a prefix for the next command, and likewise the copied move and pan command must be themselves prefixed with a timestamp from the previous command. This is because ReMaic’s move and pan commands indicate when the movement should start rather than when it should end, so timestamps need to be shifted on by one.

In addition, the command takes an optional argument with one of the following values, which changes the Remaic command that is copied:

  • move: Output move and pan commands as described above.
  • stay: Output a stay command at the camera’s origin.
  • view: Output a view command for the point the camera is looking at.
  • endmove: Output an end move command.
  • endpan: Output an end pan command.
  • time: Output the current time.

This command currently does not work on the win32 build.

freefly_writecam [filename]

Like freefly_copycam, but append commands to the provided filename instead. This command is available on all builds.


Toggles between zoomed in and zoomed out views. The FOV of the zoomed in view is controlled by the zoom_fov cvar. The speed of the zoom animation is controlled by the zoom_speed cvar.


Same as togglezoom, but with 2 different commands (aliases) for zooming in and out separately.